Sunday, March 15, 2009

Is this real life?!

So, I've been known to do some pretty forgetful things. For example.. the time I was about 14 years old and I forgot my sneakers and realized when I was half way to NYC. Then I had to tell my parents who were arguing about who knows what at the time. It was rough... So I proceeded to walk barefoot to the first shoe store in NY and got the ugliest sneakers ever.
Then there was the time I forgot a jacket while going to NY... again I had to buy one there.

So after preparing for weeks, I finally had my 10 mile race the other weekend in Quakertown. I was pretty stressed out about it, but looking forward to doing it. So it was the morning of the race and I'm getting ready when I realize.. I have two different sneakers packed. First thought.. REALLY? AGAIN? absolutely ridiculous!! Could I wear them and make it work? Thank goodness they were a right and a left shoe!!
So there you have it.. I was the weirdo running with two different shoes... and a bulky knee brace.. that's a professional runner! ha

Overall the race went well and I managed completing it successfully! Plus, I didn't even fall, which I've sadly done too many times.. Hopefully this isn't a reoccurring event.. more to come..

Happy Almost St. Patty's Day!



  1. Hahahaa nice! I recently forgot my Louie Vuitton bag in a pizza place! Luckily, and thank god, when I went back it was still there!
