Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mmmmm cupcakes...

I am really getting into this blogging thing. Maybe after I practice I will have some really good stories to post, or deep thoughts or something... but until then, you get my day-to-day random thoughts and routine...

So, today T and I rocked out to our usual play list on the way to school (maybe me or T will post our songs for reference at a later date). I decided to wear my leather jacket and almost wore my aviators but realized that it would be way too bad ass for anyone on campus to be able to handle, so I opted out.

Stopped at the bake sale table. It looked awesome. Too bad I dont have a pic to post... maybe ill do that another time too. I realized most people were buy cupcakes, so I had the great idea of just having a cupcake sale. Everyone can make a few really big gourmet-type cupcakes and sell them for a little bit more then usual and everyone will love them. Then building operations moved our table near the book store where there is virtually NO TRAFFIC. It was Drama. We had all of our baked goods set out on the table and everyone was loving it! We had to transport everything and hope nothing fell! Nothing did, but its not like it mattered because no one else came to the table anyway...

T and I were on our way to the gym after class and she realized she forgot sneaks so we decided to take a jog on Kelly Drive. T has been training for various marathons that I am sure she will update you on at a later date, but I am trying for the Broad St. run, so I need to get my ass in shape ASAP! The weather was perfect, the river looks pretty at dusk and everyone was out jogging or biking or walking or whatever they do on Kelly Drive.

My only concern with the bikers, and this is not just on KD, its all over Philly, is that they ride entirely too fast and do not slow down if someone is in thier way. They would rather plough right through a pedestrian. So I had bikers zooming past me, scarring me half to death and then I thought, what if I just stuck my hand out in front of one of them. I mean I wouldnt actually let them hit me, I would obviously move my hand out of the way before that happened because I dont want to loose it. But ya know, just to freak them out a little? maybe make them swirve? maybe fall?

JUUUUUSSSSSSTTTTT KIIDDDIIINNNGGG!!! I dont find humor in other people's pain. True Story.

More to come...

- L

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the cupcake drama and THANK GOD you didn't go with the aviators AND the guitar AND the leather jacket. ... so end of the movie Sandy

